A Day in the Life (With Cats!)

Welcome to a day in the life with cats! Whether you’re interested in what life with cats is like, or just curious about our life with two, this blog is for you! From the waking hours to evening cuddles, cats offer affection and special moments throughout the day. And it is so important for both you and your cat, to enjoy those moments. Let me take you on a mini tour of a day with two. If you’re looking for more of what you need for a cat, check out What Does A Cat Need? (bonus: it has budget tips!).

Picture this. It’s the early light of day, and you are just waking to your alarm clock. You kick your feet out for that first morning stretch and feel a soft lump. It squeaks, starts to move, then jumps off the bed. You walk out to the kitchen, with two fluffies circling your feet, meowing for your attention. After a few pets and good mornings, the cats grab a couple bites from their bowls, take turns lapping drinks from their water fountain, then begin sniffing the room for any possible overnight visitors. The day with cats has begun. 

You grab your coffee, sit down to drink, and suddenly the most important thing is getting on, or near your lap in some way!

Your Day is Full of Sweet Moments

Life with cats can be full of such sweet moments and entertaining surprises. While you get ready in the morning, your most curious cat perches near your mirror, wanting to be included in the grooming process. As you gather your things to leave, there they both are, waiting at the door, hoping this is the day they will finally join. They don’t want you to go! At the end of the day (just like faithful little worshippers) as you open the door, they are waiting eagerly to meow at you for their pets and play time. 

Your Cats Adore You

You are the center of their world, and they work hard to keep a close eye on you throughout the day. Sometimes just staring at you from inside their safe place as you move about, sometimes jumping on your lap for some cuddle time, or sometimes bidding for your attention as they let out pent-up energy on a toy or scratching post. They attempt to relate to you in their way. Whether in a shy, sleepy mood; or a playful, energetic mood, your cat(s) will want to be near you in some capacity. They love you!  

It’s really important to spend time with your cat! While each cat has different social needs, and “spending time with you” might look like just sitting in the corner of the same room as you: all cat experts seem to agree that it’s important to spend time with your fluffy. Even Mental Health experts agree it’s good for us too! There is scientific research that shows cats can improve our health in a few different ways. Check out what the American Psychiatric Association says about it!

Days are Different With Different Kinds of Cats

Ariel has moved from being a young, energetic cat needing about 20 minutes of play time per day, to her older, slowed-down version that can tolerate about 5 minutes at a time, and would rather just cuddle on my lap now. Aureila however, has an almost black hole of need for attention and pets. She wants pets constantly, and wants to be petted for about half an hour at a time! (Which I rarely have the time for, so try to give her what I can and leave the rest to Walt). 

Most cats likely will enjoy at least a quick 10-min. play session at the end of the day, but could range from “don’t you touch me or I’ll bite” to “you are my everything, I cannot leave your side!” Where does/do yours fall? I would love to hear what your cat considers “spending time with me!”

Please note that CatLoveLady provides general educational information on various topics on this website as a public service, which should not be construed as health, medical, mental health, professional, or veterinary advice. These are my personal opinions only. See more in our disclaimer policy here